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Privacy policy

This www.gohurt-shop.com website is operated by GoHurt Medieval Sp. z o.o. This legal notice sets forth the terms and conditions of use of the website and applies to all its users. Using the website in any manner means the acceptance of these terms and conditions.


  1. Copyright

The content of the www.gohurt-shop.com website is protected by copyright. It is forbidden to copy, reproduce, reprint, transfer to another electronic medium, publish, broadcast or transmit any text, graphical images, logos, buttons, icons, and images, as well as to select and arrange the above elements or any base source codes and software for any commercial or public purposes without the prior consent of GoHurt Medieval Sp. z o.o.

Parts of the website may be copied and printed for private and non-commercial use only.

The User hereby agrees to use this website for legitimate purposes only.


  1. Trademarks

The content of the website, including any information, logos, trade names, product names, images, and other designations are protected by the applicable intellectual property law and belong solely to GoHurt Medieval Sp. z o.o.


  1. Privacy Policy

GoHurt Medieval Sp. z o.o. protects with particular care the information obtained from users of websites and their personal data in accordance with art. 13 of the General Regulation on the Protection of Personal Data of 27 April 2016 (Dz.Urz. UE L 119 z 04.05.2016)


Administrator of personal data

GoHurt Medieval Sp. z o.o.

Ul. Zemborzycka 96

20-445 Lublin, Poland



Personal data: information that allows you to identify a person directly or indirectly.


Type of personal data collected

On some subpages of our website, GoHurt Medieval Sp. z o.o. will collect your personal data, such as: name, address, telephone number, e-mail address, username, password.


Confidentiality of personal data

This privacy policy will be the basis for any actions related to the use of your data and their processing.

GoHurt Medieval Sp. z o.o. above all cares about providing the best possible protection of your personal data, in an effort to prevent unlawful processing and accidental loss or deletion of your personal data In particular, we pay attention to security in the following areas:

  • using encryption mechanisms where appropriate
  • using password protection;
  • request for contractual guarantees from third parties;
  • restricting access to your personal data


Collection and storage of personal data

In case you want to use the area of our website that requires registration, you will be asked to provide relevant data. In this case, GoHurt Medieval Sp. z o.o. explicitly reserves that full access to the website will be obtained only after providing the required information and accepting the appropriate policies and conditions. In addition, GoHurt Medieval Sp. z o.o. may collect your personal data:

  • when creating an online user account;
  • when placing the order
  • when ordering a newsletter
  • in the case of participation in a competition, lottery or other promotion
  • if you complete the survey


GoHurt Medieval Sp. z o.o. will at the same time avoid the collection of personal data that are not useful for the above purposes and will not store personal data longer than necessary to achieve these goals, or, where applicable, for longer than the period specified in the contract or legal provisions.


The purposes of using personal data

All personal data you provide is stored on secure servers.

GoHurt Medieval Sp. z o.o. has the right to use the collected personal data for the following purposes (“goals”):

  • registering you on the website as a user and providing services through the website
  • ensuring that the content of the website presents itself in the most effective way for your computer;
  • handling orders placed via the website
  • research and analysis of the market and customers, products and services of GoHurt Medieval Sp. z o.o.
  • facilitating GoHurt Medieval Sp. z o.o. evaluation of the company’s products and services, as well as introducing corrections to them and improvements
  • internal documentation
  • marketing, including providing you with information that you will be asked or that you may find interested in GoHurt Medieval Sp. z o.o., if you have agreed to contact us in these matters
  • organization of competitions and / or other promotional activities
  • recruitment


Disclosure of personal data

GoHurt Medieval Sp. z o.o. does not transfer your personal data to third parties without your consent, with the exception of:

  • cases where disclosure of such information is necessary to enable GoHurt Medieval Sp. z o.o. employees, agents, subcontractors, suppliers or contractors to provide services or perform tasks on behalf of GoHurt Medieval Sp. z o.o.
  • buyers or potential buyers of GoHurt Medieval Sp. z o.o. rights and obligations related to the website;
  • if disclosure is necessary to protect legitimate interests of GoHurt Medieval Sp. z o.o., its customers or is required or permitted by law.


As users, you acknowledge that any information you provide with tools that make this information visible to others is publicly shared by these tools. Keep this in mind and act with caution and caution when you provide information using such tools. In any case, when GoHurt Medieval Sp. z o.o. discloses your personal data to a carefully selected third party or one of the third parties listed above, such disclosure is carried out in accordance with the applicable provisions on the protection of personal data.


Direct marketing

On the registration pages and other subpages of this website, you may be asked to indicate whether you want to receive certain information by email and / or traditional. If you agree, it will mean that you agree to your personal data being used by GoHurt Medieval Sp. z o.o.to provide you with information about its products, promotional activities and special offers, as well as any other information about products or services of GoHurt Medieval Sp. z o.o.


You can change your preferences for direct marketing at any time by using the opt-out option in any direct marketing email, or if you have registered as a user by changing your account settings.


  1. Cookies

GoHurt Medieval Sp. z o.o. uses cookies files in order to be able to function properly and improve the form and quality of the information provided.

The information may contain addresses of web pages associated with our website, web pages the user views on our website, as well as the IP address and the duration of the visit on our website. GoHurt Medieval Sp. z o.o. reserves the right to use the information to identify the User.

Most internet browsers allow managing or removing cookies through the browser settings. For more information about cookies, for example on how to manage and remove cookies, go to www.allaboutcookies.org.


  1. Responsibility

Any information posted on the website has been presented in good faith and with due diligence in order to ensure that data are up-to-date and accurate. However, GoHurt Medieval Sp. z o.o. is not liable for the consequences of using the website and its content, in particular GoHurt Medieval Sp. z o.o. is not liable for the accuracy, adequacy, and completeness of the information. GoHurt Medieval Sp. z o.o. reserves the right to change the content on this website in any time and in various ways, regardless of the reason and without prior notice.

Advertising materials posted on GoHurt Medieval Sp. z o.o.’s website do not constitute an offer within the meaning of Article 66 of the Civil Code, but only a presentation and advertisement of the products offered by GoHurt Medieval Sp. z o.o.

It is the User only who takes the risk arising from the use of the information presented on the website. GoHurt Medieval Sp. z o.o. is not liable for any damage incurred as a result of using the GoHurt Medieval Sp. z o.o.'s website.

GoHurt Medieval Sp. z o.o. is not liable for property and non-property damage arising directly or indirectly from obtaining information on web pages linked by our website.


For questions, comments, or remarks regarding the website, contact us via email: contact@gohurt-shop.com

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